
Documenting the dark corners of the Unity Engine.

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start [2021/04/30 04:21] – [Contributing:] uninomiconadminstart [2025/01/19 04:20] (current) uninomiconadmin
Line 14: Line 14:
 ==== Contributing: ==== ==== Contributing: ====
-To encourage contribution, pages can be edited **anonymously**: just click on the buttons on the right-hand side of the page((note: the home page cannot be edited)). When contributing, please keep in mind the overall readability of the pageand add headers/organization as necessary.+To encourage contribution, pages can be edited **anonymously**: just click on the buttons on the right-hand side of the page((note: the home page cannot be edited)). When contributing, please read the [[wiki:contributing|Contributor Guide]]so that I don't have to edit your submission.
 ---- ----
Line 21: Line 21:
   * [[scenemanager|]]   * [[scenemanager|]]
-  * [[physicscallbacks|]] 
-  * [[runtimeinitializeonload|]] 
-  * [[playerloop|]]  
   * [[library|]]   * [[library|]]
   * [[globalobjectid|]]   * [[globalobjectid|]]
 +  * [[runtimeinitializeonload|]]
 +  * [[playerloop|]] 
 +  * [[physicscallbacks|]]
 ---- ----
start.1619756514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/15 04:35 (external edit)

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