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Library Folder

The library folder is a large cache containing imported assets and other data from the project after import. It is generally always 100% safe to delete the Library folder. As Unity has become more stable, this has become much less necessary than it once was.


Unity provides this tool in C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.2.1f1\Editor\Data\Tools which allows you to inspect data in the Library folder.


(AssetDatabase v1. See Library/Artifacts for AssetDatabase v2.)

Contains the serialized, imported data keyed by an asset's GUID. binary2text.exe can be used to dump and view the cached imported data.1)


(AssetDatabase v2. See Library/Artifacts for AssetDatabase v1.)

During import of an asset, the asset importer is run, which produces some number of Unity serializable assets.

The Library/Artifacts folder stores these post-import generated files for every asset, keyed by the hash of the generated asset.2) These generated assets are also called producedFiles in Unity internal.

You can look up a disk Asset's post-import representation by:

  1. Opening the Unity Editor.log
  2. Right-click on the asset, 'Reimport'
  3. In the resulting import debug output, locate the phrase producedFiles[0].contentHash:
  4. The key for that recently imported asset will be at the printed hash.

binary2text.exe can be used to dump and view the post-import asset data in this folder.3)

Note that this is not keyed by the GUID of the asset, as it was in the last asset database.
library.1615243093.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/15 04:35 (external edit)

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